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Therapy Services

Physical therapy: 60 minutes

1 Session: $65/session

3 Sessions: $60/session

*Therapy packages are non-refundable, with payment due by the first scheduled session.

*Note: we do not accept health insurance --

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Treatment approach that addresses an individual from a "whole-body" perspective.  Therapy involving a manual, hands-on approach with soft tissue and fascial releases, stretching, and targeted exercises. 


Increases local blood flow and recovery -- helps to clear damaged cells, supply tissues with oxygen and nutrients, as well as assist in tissue healing.  Utilizes Graston, cupping, red-light, and percussion tools.


Specialized therapy to bring about improvements in abilities required to return to a healthy and active lifestyle.  Individualized program that aims to improve one's ability to move, reduce or manage pain, restore function, and prevent disability.  

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